Lyla Campbell

I just love using pictures as writing prompts. Here is another one of my favorites. The pic is from Pike Place Market in Seattle. You can see the original Starbucks in the background. I hope it serves as an inspiration for you! Happy writing!

I also wanted to say "Thank You!" to all who have kept me on their blog roll!!! A few weeks ago my boyfriend proposed and I said yes! Since then we have been swamped with trying to nail down venue locations. Now that most of it is out of the way, I'll be posting regularly again.

One of the things I've learned through this major life-changing event is how much I love writing. Sometimes things happen that squeeze writing out of my schedule. But no matter what, I keep coming back to it. I really love it that much.
5 Responses
  1. Jamie D. Says:

    Many congrats on your engagement - how exciting!! :-)

  2. Jeff King Says:

    Congrats on your engagement--I also like to have pictures to help me see the scene I want to create clearly.

  3. Lola Sharp Says:

    CONGRATS to you and your fiance!

  4. Thanks to everyone for the congrats! :) I'm working on my next post on today's lunch break. My bloggin' may have been slow as of late, but I promise I'm here to stay!

    NaNoWriMo will be here before we know it! So, I'm gearing up for that too!

  5. Yenta Mary Says:

    Had to follow -- fellow wannabe writer and coffee addict here!

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