Lyla Campbell

Written on the plane to Seattle...

Three and a half hours on a plane and then another "short" four hour drive around the bottom of Puget Sound to the B&B in Forks on the Olympic Peninsula. All this past week it's been 95 degrees plus in Houston. So, escaping to the Pacific Northwest is going to be more than just nice. With all this idle time ahead of me, I'm hoping to get the writing ball rolling again. (Unfortunately, as I'm writing this there's a creepy guy that smells like unbrushed teeth that keeps staring at my notebook...hopefully he'll fall asleep soon)

I have no housework to worry about, nothing to prepare for work, and my dogs are at "camp." All of my usual excuses are stranded back in Houston without me. With all of that said, I'm still staring at the blank pages of my notebook wondering what in the world I'm going to start writing about. None of my WIPs or previously noted ideas are at all appealing to me at the moment. I'm listening to the hodgepodge of songs that I loaded onto my Zune in hopes that inspiration will hit me like one of those frozen chickens they shoot out of a cannon to test the safety of airplane windshields.

...still waiting for inspiration to hit
3 Responses
  1. Stevie Says:

    The Northwest welcomes you! The weather has been outstanding up here, I hope you enjoy it :-)

  2. Thanks for the welcome! This was my second trip to the Pacific NW. I really love it here!

    And you're right...The weather was fabulous!!!

  3. Newton Saber Says:

    Saw your post on Writer's Digest community and the comment about the "bad breath" guy made me laugh.
    I also see that you're stuck, but you have some WIPs that are not appealing. I often fall into that and I've come up with something that seems like an idea to get me writing. Complete all WIPs -- starting with your favorite -- as flash fiction.
    This will get the stories out of you and then if you get more interested in them, you'll know they are worthy of continuing. If not, you've got some cool flash fiction.

    Also, [insert gratuitous self-promotion here] you could try reading my blogs to see if they motivate you. :-)
    100 Beginnings for Fiction Writers analysis of 100 novels and how we (as writers) learn from them.

    The Writer's Invisible Mentor My writing project about writing and learning to write

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